“When you focus on doing things better, customers notice and love it.”


  • Building Faster & Smarter

    In 2025, we're making homebuilding smoother with faster quotes, streamlined processes, easy to understand and more efficient builds. Less waiting, more moving in.

  • Elevated Quality & Design

    We’re raising the bar to ensure every Melwide home is built for comfort, style and longevity. Smarter layouts, top-tier inclusions, and even better craftsmanship.

  • Experience Innovation

    This year, we're expanding options—more design choices, greater customisation, and all-inclusive pricing. No surprises, just homes designed for real life.



"Working with Riz and Dan felt like chatting with friends. They kept everything on track, and the timeline was spot on. Six months, just like they said!"

Natasha & Jacob
Fraser Rise

"We couldn't believe how easy it was. The timeline was clear, and everything just fell into place. We're so happy with our new home!"

Sachin & Ridhi

"Incredible process! Their system made everything so easy, from picking a design to choosing colors. We couldn't believe how fast it all happened"

Lin & Calum

"The quick timeline made all the difference. We didn't feel overwhelmed, and the color boards were a huge help in making decisions."

Mariam & Amir

"We thought building a hoe would be stressful, but it wasn't at all. Faisal handled everything, and the quick process made it so much easier for us."

Kylie, Luke & Tyler
Taylors Rise

"It's amazing how stress-free building can be. They took care of everything, and before we knew it, we were in our new home."

Gurav & Kathika

Our Promise

Expert Advice

From the founders of the company, every step of the way

Always On Time

We guarantee every new home will be finished on time, everytime

Quality Maintained

Fast and responsive after move-in maintenance care period


Rock solid transferrable 10 year structural guarantee